Why I’m Sharing My Story

3 min readSep 17, 2024


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I’ve been thinking about sharing my story for a while now but wasn’t sure where to begin.

Putting yourself out there isn’t an easy thing to do. It’s one thing to go through hell and another to lay it all out for others to see.

But I’ve reached a point where I don’t care about that anymore.

Back in 2016, my life completely changed when I found out I was going to be a dad. Before that, everything was pure chaos. I was stuck in a cycle of bad decisions and couldn’t seem to break free.

Ever felt like no matter how hard you try, it’s never enough?

I’d get on the right track, then slip back into my old ways. It was frustrating because I knew I was better than that.

But I just couldn’t seem to get my shit together.

At one point, I had basically given up on myself, and so had the people closest to me. It was a shitty feeling.

I felt alone and hopeless. I was tired of it all, and just wanted it to end.

Then I found out I’d be responsible for a baby girl.

I remember sitting there, realizing I had a reason to be better. I knew I’d never forgive myself if my past affected her future.

From that moment on, I did whatever I could to provide her with the life she deserved.

But as you can imagine, that’s a lot easier said than done.

Even though I worked hard to transform who I am and give her a better life, it’s been tough.

Life’s still a struggle, but at least this time it’s for a different reason.

Now, I’m trying to make something of myself. I want to build a life I’m proud of and show people that it doesn’t matter where you come from.

With a past like mine, that’s not so easy. But it is possible.

I’ve been through hell and back countless times. I’ve fought my way out of places others didn’t think were possible. And I realize now that every time, I was learning something about myself that I needed to know.

We all face challenges — it’s part of life.

I know what it’s like to feel lost, hopeless, or like a failure. I’ve been at the bottom. I’ve done things I’m not proud of. And I know there are a lot of others who are struggling.

So, I’m sharing my journey because I want you to know that change is possible.

Even when life feels like it’s against you, you have the power to turn things around.

As corny as it sounds, if sharing my experiences can help someone, then it’ll be worth it.

Just know, I’m not a professional writer. I never even went to college. So these articles won’t be perfect. But they’re not supposed to be.

This is just me, sharing my thoughts and my story.

If any of this speaks to you, check back soon for more.

If you want to connect, you can find me @wyos_zach on X. Feel free to reach out.




Just a guy trying to figure it all out—self-taught, still learning. Sharing real talk on life and rebuilding after years of wrong turns. WYOS—coming soon.